
Healthy Children Learn Better

FREE COVID TEST KITS available in our front office for anyone who would like to take one home for break. 
Is it COVID-19 or Something Else? | Beaumont Health
* If your child has cold symptoms or a fever, please make sure to test them for Covid-19 before they return to school. If you are in need of test kits, please let me know, I have plenty to give out.

* Please do not medicate your child and send them to school sick. If your child is ill enough to require medication for cold like symptoms then they are likely not well enough to attend school. Always check with your doctor before giving young children cough or cold medicine.

* Students must be fever free without medication for 24 hours before returning to school. Students must be vomit/ diarrhea free for 24 hours before returning to school.
ILLNESS: Students receiving antibiotics for a contagious condition, such as strep throat must stay out of school until 24 hours of antibiotic therapy has been completed. Excessive coughing and nasal discharge and generally not feeling well are indications that a child should stay home.

FEVER: If your child has a temperature of 100 degrees or above (taken orally) in the morning, it is required your child stay home. Students must remain home for 24 hours after a fever has subsided without the use of fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen(Tylenol) or ibuprofen(Motrin). If your child develops a fever during school hours, he/she will not be allowed to return to the classroom and will remain in the nurse's office until dismissed to a parent/guardian.

RASH: If your child develops a rash, please consult with the school nurse. Rashes are very difficult to diagnose and many are viral in origin and should not prevent your child from attending school. There are cases of breakthrough chicken pox disease and a few other diseases that would certainly influence your child's attendance in school and impact other students who may be medically compromised, so consultation with your school nurse is important.

INJURY: Any student who has sustained an injury that has been treated by a physician or in an emergency room and will have restricted activity for a limited period of time (cast, stitches, sprains, fractures, concussions, etc.), must bring a note from the physician stating the nature of the restrictions and when the student can resume participation in Phys Ed class, recess, and sports team play. The student will not be allowed to return to Phys Ed and team sports until this note is received. If your child sustains an injury, or you feel your child should limit his/her activity for 1-2 days, or that will affect their school performance, you will need to send a note to the nurse.

In Person Learning Reminders
I wanted to take an opportunity to welcome you back to in-person learning here at Oak Bluffs School, and to review some of the procedures
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Sun Safety
I hope everyone is able to get outside this week and enjoy the sunshine! Staying fit and healthy will help improve your overall health. We are
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Healthy Sleep Habits
We are noticing many of our middle school students are tired during their class meetings and some students are missing meetings because they are not yet awake. It is
Read More about Healthy Sleep Habits
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