In Person Learning Reminders

In Person Learning Reminders
Posted on 10/28/2020

I wanted to take an opportunity to welcome you back to in-person learning here at Oak Bluffs School, and to review some of the procedures that will be followed here at school. I apologize if this email is redundant, but I cannot stress enough how important all of this information is. PLEASE RETURN YOUR CHILDS SYMPTOM CHECKER AGREEMENT PRIOR TO THE START OF SCHOOL.


It is expected that all students will be wearing masks while at school. Some children may have more experience with mask wearing than others, and that is ok. We will work with all students to make them feel more comfortable while wearing their masks. Also, mask breaks will be provided throughout the school day. Please pack an extra mask in your child's backpack in case the one they wear to school gets soiled.


Teachers will be encouraging hand washing at various points throughout the day. We also have alcohol-based hand sanitizer available in each classroom and inside of each school entrance.

Flu vaccine:

MA Department of Public Health has mandated that all students receive their flu vaccine this year. Students must receive the flu vaccine by December 31, 2020. Information about flu clinics will be shared with families, although clinics have not yet been scheduled. Please contact your child's health care provider about getting your child a flu shot.

Emergency contact information:

You will be receiving a Blue or White Emergency Card. It is imperative that you fill out emergency contact information for your child. Make sure that the contact information we have on file for you is correct, and please add 2-3 emergency contacts that could be called if you cannot be reached.

Daily checklist:

You must screen your child daily for symptoms of COVID-19. Please do not send your child to school sick. Please notify the school nurse if someone in your household has been identified as a close contact of someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Please notify the school nurse if you or your family have recently traveled to any state that has not been designated as "low risk."

*Students will be going outside if we are not experiencing severe weather. Please pack appropriately for outdoor play, including rain coats when needed, and a change of clothes to be kept at school.

*Please send your child with a water bottle. Water filling stations are open but fountains are not.

We are so excited to see our families! Please remember to not leave your vehicle during drop off. Many families will be dropping off outside and vehicles need exit promptly. Students may not be dropped off early and please wait for staff to be outside to greet you!

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