Google Classroom

Google Classroom Questions

Q. How do we access Google Classroom?
A. Students all have user names and passwords which can be obtained from their homeroom teacher should they forget them. Students can sign in from any device to access their classroom materials or they can visit

Q. How do students turn in assignments?
A. Google Classroom Assignments will be turned in within the class where it is assigned. There are easy to find buttons for students to upload work (if needed) and submit. Other assignments will be created in Google for students to submit and turn in. PK-3 teachers will provide instructions for turning in work for the Lower Elementary students.

Q. Do we need a microphone or webcam to make this work?
A. Google meets and hangouts as well as Zoom do not require use of a special webcam or mic. Students can often enter meets using their cell phone, tablet, kindle or basic laptop. Students without video capability can always listen only to hear lectures. Some teachers will also be recording lectures for playback later for students who are unable to join scheduled meeting times. The websites is and There are free apps you can download for both platforms.

Q. Will classes meet virtually during their regularly scheduled times?
A. Some teachers will ask students to login to Google meet session for instructions and to keep connectivity to class. These meetings will be announced well in advance by teachers and recorded.

Q. Is there an easy way to see what assignments are due in Google Classroom?
A. Yes. You can find a 'to-do' list and a calendar for assignments to navigate workload. It covers all the classes so you can see everything due in one place. It is also color coded so you know which class is which. To find the options, use the three bars in the top left of the classroom. Past due items show in red in the 'to-do' view.

Q. Does the student need to check the class each day?
A. Yes, students should open and view comments and assignments in each class every day. While assignments that are due that day pop up on the homepage, notes that teachers have posted appear in the stream and the only notification is to actually click on the class. Parents and students are encouraged to click on every Classroom to read notices from teachers, as well as to see assignments.

Q. My child submitted an assignment and had their name marked wrong?
A. When teachers use an answer key to help grade online work, the key looks at the answer specifically as the teacher entered it. If the answer is an open question for response and a student missed a space or period, the key will mark the question as wrong. Teachers will be reviewing submissions and correcting those answers so do not worry if a student gets their name wrong or gets a free form answer marked incorrectly.

Q. Are grades in Google Classroom Official?
A. No. While some grades may appear in classroom, because of the need to review work and work that was completed outside of Google Classroom, all official grades will still be recorded in PowerSchool Parent portal and available for parents and students to view.

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